

And it’s entirely preventable. It only takes a small amount of lead to adversely affect a person. Children are especially at risk since an amount equivalent to only 3 grains of sugar a day can cause irreversible damage. Our bodies absorb lead as if it were calcium, iron or vitamins and send it directly to the vital organs. Symptoms may not be noticeable for years, but can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, brain, nerves and bones. According to the American Association of Pediatrics, lead can cause damage to the brain and nervous system, and even a low level of lead exposure can cause learning disabilities, hearing loss, speech, language and behavior problems as well as other serious health effects such as:

  • Diminished I.Q
  • Memory loss
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Irritability
  • Clumsiness
  • Muscular aches
  • Behavioral changes
  • Vomiting
  • Developmental regression
  • Abdominal pain

It is estimated that 5 out of 7 homes in America have lead based paint. Most homes used lead-based paint if built prior or painted up to 1978. Lead can be found in many items including dinnerware, food cans, toys, mini-blinds, dust, soil and much more. Even brand new products may contain dangerous levels of lead although most are not manufactured in the U.S.

The only way you can be sure your home is free of lead is to have it tested! Sun Environmental To accomplish a lead test in accordance with the E.P.A, lead samples should be taken from all walls and ceilings and samples have to be sent to the lab. Others say they are performing a lead test in your home using a lead swipe stick not approved by the E.P.A and can only read lead in high levels on the surface of the paint not below the surface where the old lead paint most likely is.

We perform Lead Paint Testing, Lead Certifications for Grants and Loans, Lead Investigations for Sick Children